Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

FAQs about Cosmetic Dentistry

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry combines both art and science to give you a healthy, aesthetic, flawless smile. While general dentistry is aimed at maintaining the health of your teeth and gums, cosmetic dentistry provides comprehensive treatment options that improve and preserve the way your smile looks and feels.

Common cosmetic treatments include

  • Teeth whitening
  • Contouring/tooth reshaping
  • Bonding
  • Bridges
  • Veneers
  • Dental implants
  • Tooth-colored fillings
  • Smile makeovers

La odontologia cosmetica combina ambas arte y ciencia para darte una sonrisa, saludable, estetica e impecable. Mientras un dentista general ayuda a mantener la salud de tus dientes y tus encias, la odontologia cosmetica te da un opciones de tratamiento que mejora y preserva la manera que tu sonrisa se vea y se sienta.

Los tratamientos cosmeticos comunes incluyen: 

  • Blanqueamiento dental
  • Contouring y reformacion dental
  • Uniones
  • Puentes
  • Carillas
  • Implantes dentales
  • Rellenos de dientes de color
  • Renovacion de sonrisa

Why should I see a cosmetic dentist?

A cosmetic dentist is trained to safely and effectively provide a variety of treatments that are designed to enhance your smile. If you have missing teeth, you feel that your teeth are crooked, or you're an adult looking for an alternative to braces, a cosmetic dentist can help you achieve the beautiful smile you've always wanted

Un dentista cosmetico esta entrenado para proveer de una variedad de tratamientos seguros y efectivos disenado para mejorar tu sonrisa. Si tienes dientes faltantes, si sientes que tus dientes astillados, o eres un adulto buscando por una alternativa de brackets, un dentista cosmetico que puede ayudarte a alcanzar una bonita sonrisa que siempre quisiste tener.

How long will each cosmetic treatment take?

Just as every smile we treat is unique, so are the treatments we provide. While cosmetic treatment times may vary, some treatments are completed within one office visit.

Will my insurance cover cosmetic dental care?

Insurance coverage and out-of-pocket expenses for cosmetic treatment vary. Our practice will work with you to provide several different treatment options, and we will coordinate with your insurance provider, if coverage is available. You will know all of your treatment costs up-front so that you can choose the best payment plan for your needs and your budget.

Am I a good candidate for teeth whitening?

Patients who experience the most benefit from having their teeth whitened:

  • Are in good dental health
  • Maintain good dental health (i.e. brush three times a day, floss, receive regular dental checkups every six months, etc.)
  • May suffer from slightly discolored or yellow teeth
  • Wish to improve the look of their smile for aesthetic purposes
  • Are in good physical health

Are there any side effects with teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a safe, effective procedure, and does not typically include any negative side effects. Minor side effects may consist of:

  • Increased tooth sensitivity to hot or cold
  • White spots on the surface of the teeth (a potential side effect of at-home whitening systems)
  • Nighttime whitening trays may cause additional gum sensitivity or irritation.
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